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The Yangtze River Delta Railway has integrated and set up a railway logistics center, which is an important step in the development of modern logistics
发布时间:2024-03-21 10:36:59 点击次数:25

Recently, the Yangtze River Delta Railway completed a major event, the integration of seven railway freight centers into five railway logistics centers. China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Bureau Group) said that the move is an important measure to deepen the reform and innovation of the Yangtze River Delta Railway and promote the transformation of railway freight into a modern logistics enterprise.

It is reported that since last year, the Yangtze River Delta Railway has accelerated the construction of modern railway logistics system around the goal of reducing logistics costs of enterprises, so as to better play the backbone role of railway in the comprehensive transportation system and modern logistics system.

Multiple products to optimize market supply

In February, a cargo ship from Guinea carrying 173,000 tons of bauxite docked at Lianyungang port in Jiangsu province for unloading operations. The unloading operation adopts the "three straight" mode, that is, the ship directly berthing after arriving at the port, directly clearing the customs after unloading the ship, and directly loading and shipping after customs clearance.

It is reported that the mode is jointly launched by the railway and customs, port and other departments, and the delivery time is compressed from 5 days to less than 1 day, and the efficiency of transit operations is improved by nearly 80%.

"Our goal is to take the customer as the center, improve the stability, economy and timeliness of railway logistics products, continue to build a railway logistics product system that ADAPTS to different needs, and strive to achieve the diversity of product supply, the stability of train service, and the reliability of the whole logistics process." Shanghai Bureau Group relevant person in charge said.

At Chuanshangang Station of Zhoushan Port Railway in Ningbo, multiple door cranes are used to load and unload simultaneously every day. On average, one TEU of "Made in China" is sent out of the country every minute. Hangzhou Railway Logistics Center organized the opening of the sea railway express line covering the major domestic distribution centers, to achieve seamless connection between the schedule and the shipping schedule, to stable multimodal transport products, adapt to the adjustment of regional industrial structure, and attract more customers.

At present, the number of direct express trains running on the Yangtze River Delta Railway has reached 62. Among them, the multi-link express products of "train + highway at both ends" have achieved coverage of several provincial capitals across the country; The "liner + liner" products have covered the Yangtze River Delta Shanghai, Ningbo, Lianyungang and other major seaports; There are 13 China-Europe railway lines connecting 36 European and Eurasian countries.

Stimulate transportation potential with new equipment

The supply of railway freight products continues to expand, which also puts forward new requirements for railway logistics equipment. Shanghai Bureau Group strengthened the use of logistics equipment such as new containers to improve the efficiency of railway logistics. For example, in promoting the transportation of white goods, auto parts and other products, "transit rail" is vigorously promoting the use of 50-foot containers.

"The newly adopted 50-foot container is a domestic trade transport equipment independently developed by the railway department to learn from foreign advanced experience and according to China's railway, road and other technical conditions, and its load and volume indicators are comprehensively superior to other box types." Shanghai Bureau Group freight Department responsible person told reporters.

Li Lin, chief of the multimodal transport Section of the Freight Department of the Shanghai Bureau Group, introduced that at present, the 50-foot container trains from Shanghai to Guangzhou and Ningbo to Shenzhen are opening more and more, and the 50-foot containers have a larger volume and can load more goods, further reducing the logistics cost, and are more stable than road transport. Since mid-October last year, 113 50-foot container trains loaded with household appliances, department stores and auto parts have been sent from Ningbo North to Luohu South.

It is reported that in the future, Shanghai Bureau Group will further expand the use of 50 feet large volume boxes, and actively promote more than 10 new box types such as new rack type coil steel boxes, top door food boxes, frame type car boxes, and ventilated soybean meal boxes to meet the individual needs of different cargo market segments.

At the same time, the Shanghai Bureau Group will promote the innovation of railway transportation equipment such as new energy vehicles, photovoltaic modules, and lithium batteries, and strive to create a modern railway logistics equipment system that meets the requirements of the whole category of logistics.

We will improve the management mechanism of main entities

The relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Bureau Group introduced that promoting the transformation of the transportation service industry to the modern service industry is an important content of the construction of a transportation power, and also helps enterprises to reduce logistics costs. For railway, speed up the transformation of freight mode, improve the modern logistics management mechanism is the current focus.

On March 19, Shanghai Bureau Group and New China Iron and Steel successfully signed the 2024 logistics general contract service agreement, promoting the coordinated development of the two sides and achieving a "win-win situation for road enterprises".

The signing of the logistics contract agreement between Shanghai Bureau Group Company and China Iron and Steel can realize the complementary advantages of the two sides, promote the simultaneous improvement of efficiency and efficiency of the two sides, help improve the railway cargo volume and transportation efficiency, promote the accelerated development of the two sides, and is also a useful exploration of cooperation in the field of integrated logistics, trade and information platform.

The integration of seven railway freight centers into five railway logistics centers is also to improve efficiency and efficiency.

At present, the five major railway logistics centers in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hefei, Hangzhou and Xuzhou, as the main operators of railway logistics business in the Yangtze River Delta region, are benchmarking the operation and management mode of modern logistics enterprises and fully implementing market-oriented operations.

In the future, the five railway logistics centers will give full play to the advantages of large capacity, all-weather and green environmental protection of railway transportation, strengthen the "total to total" strategic cooperation with key enterprises, vigorously develop the logistics package, and customize the optimal overall logistics solutions for enterprises; Deepen the integration and development of road, water and other transportation modes, reduce intermediate links, improve transportation efficiency, reduce logistics costs of enterprises, and promote the integration of railway logistics products into the industrial supply chain.

At the service level, the Yangtze River Delta Railway has deepened the construction of 95306 freight service platform, implemented online and centralized management of the whole process of freight business, provided all-weather service, and developed new functions such as full cargo tracking and arrival prediction notification, so that customers can handle various freight services online at any time and anywhere, and dynamically grasp the location information of goods. At present, the 95306 cargo service center of the Yangtze River Delta Railway has been fully equipped with online service conditions.

Column chief editor: Li Ye

The author is Wang Li

Source: Yangtze River Delta Railway

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